Annual Notifications

Notice of Disclosure of Directory Information Pursuant to Section 438(a)(5)(a) and (5)(b) as amended by Public Law 91-230, 92-2-380, and 93-380:

Unless written objection is received in the Warrenton-Hammond School District Office, 820 SW Cedar, Warrenton, Oregon 97146, within (15) days after the date of this publication, directory information will be released as deemed necessary concerning all students served by the Warrenton-Hammond School District No. 30.  'Directory Information' includes the following information relating to a student: the student's name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, the most previous education agency or institution attended by the students, and other similar information. In accordance with Subpart D, sections 99.30 and 99.31 of Department of Health, Education and Welfare regulations personally identifiable information may be released to authorized representatives of federal, state, and local agencies where specific information is required to be reported or disclosed pursuant to law, or to organizations conducting studies for, or on behalf of, educational agencies for the purpose of administering or validating predictive tests, administering student aid programs, and improving instruction including follow-up of graduates and/or drop-outs.
Publication Date: September 5, 2023

Annual and 30 Day Notice for Statewide Tests

Annual Notice for Statewide Tests

Notificacion Anual Sobre los Examenes Estatales 

House Bill 2655 permits parents and adult students to annually opt-out of Oregon’s statewide summative tests in English Language Arts and Math by submitting this form to the school the student attends. The school shall provide any student who is exempted from a state test with supervised study time while other students are testing.  


30-Day Testing Notice and Opt-Out Form

Aviso de 30 días para evaluaciones estatales de Oregón/Formulario de exclusión


Nondiscrimination Notice:

The Warrenton Hammond School District prohibits discrimination in employment and all educational opportunities.  All programs, including career and technical education opportunities, are available to all students, including federally protected classes (race, color, national origin, sex, and sexual orientation, gender identity, and disability).    This includes but is not limited to courses and programs in Graphic Design,  Natural Resources, Automotive Technology and Welding, and Health Services.  The lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation in Career & Technical Education programs.

The following person(s) has(ve) been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: 


   Who to contact

  Contact information

Title IX: Possible discrimination on the basis of sex/gender/gender identity

Tom Rogozinski

Title IX Coordinator/

HR/Payroll Manager


820 SW Cedar Ave

Warrenton, OR 97146

[email protected]

ADA-Title II: Possible discrimination of staff or students on the basis of a disability.

Tom Rogozinski

ADA-Title II Coordinator/  WHSD Superintendent



820 SW Cedar Ave

Warrenton, OR 97146

[email protected]

Title VI or VI of  Civil Rights Act: Possible discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national origin

Tom Rogozinski

WHSD Superintendent




820 SW Cedar Ave

Warrenton, OR 97146

[email protected]

Section 504/IDEA:  Possible educational programming discrimination of students on the basis of a disability.

Suzanne Harris

504 Coordinator/ WHSD Director of Special Programs

503-861-3376 x209

820 SW Cedar Ave

Warrenton, OR 97146

[email protected]

Civil Rights Coordinator per House Bill 2281

Northwest Regional ESD



5825 NE Ray Circle

Hillsboro, OR 97124

For further information on notice of non-discrimination, visit for the address and phone number of the office that serves your area, or call 1-800-421-3481.

581-022-2305 Compliance Reporting on Standard Operating Policies and Procedures

Annual Restraint and Seclusion Report

OAR 581-021-0559 mandates that school districts report annually on restraint and seclusion use. And as stated under board policy JGAB/JGAB-AR.

Oregon state law (ORS 339.343) requires districts to adopt and post suicide prevention policies