Medication in School
Home is the best place for your child to receive medication. If possible, spacing of medication dosages should be arranged to allow for home administration. The Warrenton Hammond School District follows state guidelines for medication administration. Please review the information below to ensure safe, accurate medication administration.
- Medication must not be expired.
- Medication must be Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved. If the medication is not FDA approved then a signed prescription and treatment plan from a prescriber of Oregon licensed healthcare professional is required.
- Medication must be transported to and from school by the parent/guardian or student (if self-consenting per Oregon law.)
- Necessary paperwork must be completed. (Medication authorization forms can be obtained in the office and on this webpage).
- Adequate amount of medication must be provided by the parent/guardian.
- All changes in instructions must be in writing and cannot be accepted verbally.
- All medications must be picked up at the end of each school year or they will be discarded.
- Must be prepared and labeled by a U.S. pharmacist.
- Label or prescriber's orders must have child's name, name of medication, route of administration, dose amount to be given at school, frequency/time of administration, and physician's name.
- Must be in a prescription bottle.
- Most pharmacists will provide two containers for prescription medication at home and school.
- Students are allowed to self-administer prescription medications, carry emergency medications for immediate access IF permission is obtained by parent/Provider and the Self-Administration Medication Authorization form is completed and on file in school office.
- Must be in original container (no baggies, foil, etc.) and labeled with child’s name.
- Physician order needed only when the parent’s instruction for administration contradicts the safe dosing instruction on the bottle/container.
- Students are allowed to self-administer non-prescription medications IF permission is obtained by parent/Provider and the Self-Administration Medication Authorization form is completed and on file in the school office.
The district reserves the right to reject a request for district personnel to administer, or to permit a student to administer to themselves, a medication when such a medication is not necessary for the student to remain in school.